Tenebe, others shut down Agba’s purported endorsement by APC in Edo north


The desperate move by the Prince Clem Agba handlers to gain an advantage in a convoluted manner has become a major source of concern to APC leaders in the district .

The APC leadership in the district has condemned majority of those allegedly “contacted” and tagged “APC Edo North” leaders for the sole purpose of decorating Prince Agba as the “announced” candidate of the district were said to be non-starters and impostors.

The convener of the purported APC Edo north leader’s meeting is said to be Hon. Alasa Idaro Mohammed, a former Etsako West council chairman.

Other core members of the group are Comrade Suleiman Bagudu, the former chairman of Etsako Central; Chief (mrs) Edith Ayeni, a notable APC woman leader in the Owan West local government as well as Alhaji Kelly Oshiomole.

Without waiting for the move to foist Prince Agba to gather steam, Tenebe, also from the Edo North district, shut it down

In a press statement titled, “Edo North leaders have not endorsed Clem Agba”, Tenebe dismissed the purported meeting during which Prince Clem Agba was endorsed with the wave of a hand, insisting the conveners are largely upstarts” in the district

Tenebe noted that while it is within the purview of Prince Agba to aspire and solicit support from those who want him to become their Governor, it is expedient to do so legitimately and not denigrate leaders and elders who have toiled day and night to build the party into an election-winning machine.

He also stated emphatically that the Edo North APC leaders were yet to consider the option of adopting any of the numerous aspirants jostling for the post of governor, talkless of convening a meeting in that regard .

“Edo North has Comrade Senator Adams Oshiomole as the ultimate leader and the group is also ably led by our respected Prince Malik Afegbua. There are clear cut channels of calling a meeting of that nature. The process was completely abandoned and the entire leadership of Edo North disrespected by whoever convened the meeting, all in his ignoble pursuit to justify the pecks he collects and numerous lies he peddles”.

“It should be known that the APC is not a rudderless ship and cannot be allowed to sail without destination. The meeting that held in Alasa’s house was not by Edo North leaders and thus the leaders would not have endorsed Clem Agba. Whoever that convened the so-called leaders meeting shall be sanctioned for his act of rascality.

Top APC leaders in the district have pointed accusing fingers at the members of the group for pandering to the dictates of a desperate candidate to peddle lies and propaganda for the biblical port of porridge.

Tenebe restated that the APC in the Edo North district is not a rudderless ship heading towards an unknown destination

He also condemned in strong terms the meeting held at the residence of Alasa, saying those in attendance were not the authentic leaders of the district

“We wish to bring to the notice of the Edo North APC members that the leaders are closely monitoring political developments in the district and will keep them abreast of any decision taken by the leadership as time progresses”, he said

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