South lbie Royal Council warns Public against honoring Umoru’s birthday invitation


The South Ibie Royal Council addressed as Aidonogie-in-council has urged the indigenes of the kingdom and the public to disregard a birthday invitation letter presently circulating on social media inviting highly placed individuals in the society to the birthday ceremony of Prince Umoru Inusa Umoru of the Oghiator branch of Okhokho Ruling House scheduled for 25th of June.

In a statement titled, “Disclaimer” and signed by Chief Isa Abu Iyamah, Daudu1 of South-Ibie Kingdom, he insisted that the intention of the organizer of the birthday ceremony is to disturb the peace presently prevailing in the kingdom.

According to Chief Iyamah, there are presently three versions of the invitation cards in circulation, two of which purportedly addressed Prince Umoru as Royal highness and Aidonogie destignate with venue of the ceremony at the palace of the former Aidonogie of South Ibie.

Chief Iyamah clarified that the legally recognized and gazetted Aidonogie of South-Ibie and the prescribed authority in South Ibie kingdom remains, Alhaji Kevin Danesi,.

Continuing, he said that there will be no form of celebration of birthday at the Aidonogie Palace on that day, noting that security agencies have been put on notice to ensure that those whom he insisted are impostors are not allowed to disturb the peace of the community.

Again, the Aidonogie of South ibie kingdom, Oba Kevin Danesi has through his lawyer wrote to the Edo state Police commissioner complaining about the alleged use of the title “Aidonogie of South ibie ” by prince Inusa Umoru which is against the section of the law and also attempts by the Umoru supporters to obstruct peace in the kingdom in the name of birthday celebration.

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