Obaseki instigates Impeachment moves against Shaibu


The rift claimed between the Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, and his deputy, Hon. Philip Shaibu, has widened with alleged moves by the governor to instigate an attempt to have his deputy impeached.

The rocky relationship between the duo recently came to the public glare when the governor reshuffled the functions hitherto allocated to the deputy governor’s office and in the process removed some of the key roles assigned to the deputy governor.

Before now, the duo enjoyed what could be termed a “cordial and mutually beneficial” relationship and it is not certain how and when things went awry between the duo.

Borderline News24 however, gathered that the deputy governor is not folding his arms about the “cold war” between him and his boss.

Close government sources informed Borderline News24 that the deputy governor is aware of the moves by the governor to “force” the state assembly to initiate an impeachment move against him.

As a result, he was said to have approached the Federal High Court in Abuja to obtain an order restraining the state assembly from impeaching him.

The legal moves was allegedly said to have hit the rocks.

Meanwhile, Borderline News24 also gathered that the relationship between the governor and his deputy became seriously far tired when news emanated that Hon. Shaibu was among the top Edo North political bigwigs present at the inauguration party of Comrade Adams Oshiomole, now a senator, in Abuja.

Government House sources classified the Abuja trip of the deputy governor as a “political misadventure” and also a sign of “disloyalty”.

.Governor Obaseki was said to have been peeved by the action of his deputy and consequently initiated steps to whittle down his large-than-life-image hence the decision to remove some of the key roles of the deputy governor .

To the chagrin of political watchers in the state, the deputy governor has not been as ubiquitous as he used to be. He hardly attends official functions.

Indeed, this is about the first time in recent history that the governor and his deputy would be operating on different wavelengths.

Though the “cold war” between the duo is not yet in the public domain, pundits are, however, worried about the possible collateral damage such a conflict may impose on governance and political stability in the state.

The pundits pointed at the roforofo or “messy” political fight which absurd between the governor and his erstwhile political godfather, Comrade Adams Oshiomole, a prelude to his seeking re-election, adding the intensely fouled political atmosphere is about to repeat itself

They also recalled how the deputy governor joined the fray on the side of the governor and helped to “politically neutralize” the former comrade governor who was incidentally his political benefactor and mentor.

Hoping that the move to impeach the state deputy governor remains a conjecture, close watchers of the unfolding drama have cautioned the governor against starting another political battle with a benefactor considering the role his deputy played during the Obaseki/Oshiomole political imbroglio in 2019 in helping him “sidestep the political landmines” laid by Oshiomole to ensure he was not re-elected for a second term in office

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