N6million traffic violation: Shaibu tackles Asuen over alleged false alarm


Edo State deputy governor, Hon. Philip Shaibu has lashed out heavily at the Edo South APC senatorial candidate, Mr. Valentine Asuen for seeking to cash in on the raging feud between him and the state governor for some “personal and pecuniary” gains.

Mr. Asuen, aka DVD an oil and gas magnate, had in a viral video accused the embattled deputy governor of extorting the princely sum of N6m from his for the violation of traffic rules.

However, the deputy governor, in a press statement by his Chief Press Secretary (CPS), Mr.,EBOMHIANA MUSA titled “Valentine Asuen: The rantings of a frustrated politician” described the attempt as a futile effort by a frustrated politician and oil magnet to tarnish the rock-solid reputation of the deputy governor.

The allusion to Mr. Asuen as a “failed politician” is a direct reference to the failed bid of the oil magnet for the Edo South senatorial ticket of the APC.

The Shaibu’s statement read thus

“It’s very intresting and laughable that Valentine Asuen, a self acclaimed oil magnet has decided to pour his venum on an innocent man, the Deputy Governor of Edo State, Rt Hon Comrade Philip Shaibu at this time.

He claimed that the Deputy Governor seized two of his trucks and made to cough out 6million naira for violating traffick rules in the state. But why has Valentine chosen to cry out at this time?

Was the money paid into the personal account of Shaibu or into the state’s coffers? Did Shaibu perform those functions in his private or in his official capacity as Edo State Deputy Governor?

Did the truck violate the Edo State traffick rules and regulations or not? Was it only DVD trucks that were impounded in the course of that joint operation carried out by EDSTMA, POWOF, EDO STATE SECURITY NETWORK AND THE POLICE?

These are some of the salient questions Valentine Asuen should provide answers. He violated the state government’s traffick laws, pleaded with the Deputy Governor to allow him pay the fine instead of going to court.

How can Asuen now turn around after about one year to whip up cheap public sentiments? For the record, a committee was set up by the state government to decongests traffick build-up mainly caused by trucks parked i indiscriminately by the road side on MM Way, Oluku by Seven Up, Agbor Road by Guinness and of course on Sapele Road by Obe.

The then Attorney General & Commissioner for Justice, Oluwole Iyamu, SAN was chairman of that Committee with heads of aforementioned security agencies in the state as members.
The Committee carried out its assignment on behalf of the state without prejudice to any body or group of persons.

Again, Asuen in his ranting in Benin this afternoon, tried to play the ethnic card, cataloguing his family background, instead of addressing the real issue.

This is rather childish. He is nothing but an ethnic bigot, a failed politician and an opportunist.

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