Edo Youths Rally Behind Airhiavbere’s Bid for Governorship

Youth groups spanning the three senatorial districts of Edo State have united under the banner of the ‘Youth Movement for Airhiavbere’ (YMA) to champion the gubernatorial aspirations of General Charles Airhiavbere, rtd, mni.

Led by Comrade Issa Abdulazeez, the coalition has pledged its support by committing to purchase expression of interest and nomination forms for Airhiavbere. Speaking at the coalition’s unveiling in Benin City, Comrade Abdulazeez highlighted Airhiavbere’s commitment to uplifting the less privileged and his proven governance capabilities as reasons behind their endorsement.

“We are unveiling this coalition today to tell the world that Airhiavbere is not alone in his quest to govern Edo State. Our support for him is voluntary because we know he is capable of taking Edo to greater heights,” stated Comrade Abdulazeez.

The coalition plans an extensive grassroots campaign, intending to visit households and engage with residents to spread the message of Airhiavbere’s candidacy. Comrade Abdulazeez emphasized Airhiavbere’s track record of empowering women and youths through various initiatives as a driving force behind their endorsement.

“We will reach out to the people in their houses and preach to them on why they should support Airhiavbere. The ruling PDP has failed. Therefore, the APC needs a politician, a man loved by the people to fly its flag. That man is Airhiavbere,” he declared.

As the Youth Movement for Airhiavbere gains momentum, it signals a growing wave of grassroots support for Major General Charles Airhiavbere in his bid for the governorship of Edo State.

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