Edo Attorney – General Orders Discontinuation Of Police Charge Against Prof. Gregory Akenzua

Benin city – Following a painstaking review of the case of impersonation brought by the police against Professor Gregory Akenzua, the Edo state Attorney – General and commissioner for justice, Hon. Oluwole Osaze Uzzi Esq has ordered the discontinuation and dismissal of the suit at the magistrate court in accordance with the law.

A statement signed by the Attorney – General and commissioner for justice at the weekend stated that having reviewed the case file and police investigation report and all relevant laws, particularly the traditional rulers and chiefs law, it is to be noted that while the traditional authorities have the discretion to appoint Enigies and Chiefs, this is by law subject to confirmation of such appointments by the Executive council.

According to the Attorney – General ” the conclusion reached was borne out of the fact that no prima facie case of commission of the stated offence or breach of any provision of the traditional rulers and chiefs law, or any other law, was disclosed such as to warrant a charge of impersonation or criminal charge being brought or continued against Professor Gregory Akenzua”

” In the circumstances, it would have been futile and amount to a waste of time and resources for the police or the state to have proceeded with the charge, and so doing would be contrary to the rule of law”

” Consequently, the prosecution of Professor Gregory Akenzua was discontinued pursuant to the power conferred on the Attorney – General by section 211 of the constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999(as amended)”

Continuing, he advised that it is the Edo state government ‘s hope that issues that gave rise to the matter could be amicably resolved in the interest of the peace, security and tranquility of the state as well as the dignity and reverence in which the traditional institution in the state is held by all – well meaning law abiding citizens and residents alike.

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