Aftermath of protest, Umahi visits Auchi,  assures of resumption of road construction


In the aftermath of the protest staged by Concerned Edo Citizens over the deplorable state of the Benin-Ekpoma-Abuja highway, the works minister, Engr. Dave Umahi has assured that work on the major artery road linking the Edo State and other neighbouring states will  commence in due course

Engr. Umahi was at the popular Jattu junction in Auchi, Etsako West council area, which the protesters have turned into the epicenter of their protest, to speak to their concerns about the efforts being made by the federal government to redress the situation.

A sober Umahi felt thoroughly embarrassed by the pains and agony  motorists and commuters have had to contend with while plying the road and went on to assure them that work would resume  within the next two weeks.

Umahi who had arrived at the scene of the protest, late in the evening, accompanied by the Edo State Commissioner of roads and bridges,Mr. Ethan Uzamere promised to accelerate reconstruction work on the road, adding he would be on the ground every two weeks to supervise and ensure the contractor handling the project sticks to design and quality, including the construction of the  pedestrian bridge at the Jattu junction

He further acknowledged that the peaceful manner the Edo North people followed in venting their anger over the deplorable condition of the road was one of the factors that made Mr President give presidential directives that the four construction companies handling the project should return to the site next week

The Concerned  Edo Citizens was a group hurriedly formed by the heavy-duty truck drivers’ union across the Edo North district to galvanize support for the protest.

They blocked the popular Jattu junction which connects Edo State with the northern part of the country demanding that work on the reconstruction of the Benin-Ekpoma-Abuja highway should be resumed immediately before the onset of the rainy season. 

In appreciation of the honorable minister’s prompt response to their plight, the vice chairman of the Etsako West council area, on behalf of the Edo North people expressed profound gratitude to the federal government for deeming it fit to hasten action on the reconstruction of the road, stressing further that they have suffered a substantial decline in economic activities and discomforts owing to the neglect of the road by past administrations

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