Wilbon ENT, Head and Neck Clinic offer 30 people free hearing, ear disease treatment

From Michael Egbejule, Benin City.

MANAGEMENT of Wilbon ENT, Head and Neck Clinic marked the World hearing day with free hearing and ear disease screening to over 30 indigent patients in celebration of the day .

The 2023 World Hearing Day has as its theme: ” Ear and Hearing Care for all ! Let’s make it a reality.”
with theme.

At the event on Saturday, March 4, put together by Medical Director, Wilbon ENT, Head and Neck Clinic , Dr Patrick Okundia said it was an opportunity to give back to the society in the free hearing screening and ear disease treatment.

According to him, over 30 people benefited from the free hearing screening and ear disease treatment.

On his part, a medical expert with the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Dr Eustace Oseghale gave a health talk to
sensitize the public on the need for regular check up on Ear, Nose Throat care.

The beneficiaries were full of praises for the Medical Director, Dr Patrick Okundia .

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