The Kigali workshop attracted a two way benefits to EDHA members._ Iyamu


The Honourable member representing Orihowhon south at the Edo state House of Assembly, Hon Bright Iyamu said the three-day workshop held in Kigali, Rwanda for lawmakers and attended by the members of the Edo State House of Assembly was able to achieved a two-way benefits .

Hon. Iyamu, made the statement while speaking to journalists in Benin on the benefits of the trip adding that it was an eye-opener.

Members of the Edo State House of Assembly were recently in Kigali, Rwanda, for a three-day training workshop on “Effective Legislative Functions and Sustainable Development”.

The workshop was organized by the Africa Policy Conversations. Lawmakers from other parts of the world also attended the workshop.

According to Hon. Iyamu who was also a participant, the workshop was designed to equip lawmakers with valuable insights and practical skills on their roles as well as foster collaborations and build a strong foundation for effective governance in the state

He posited further that the workshop provided a two-way benefit as it exposed the lawmakers to both the theoretical and practical application of legislative duties aimed at fostering relationships with the executive arm of government.

Hon. Iyamu also thanked the Edo State Government, leadership of the Edo State House Of Assembly led by RT. Hon. Blessing Agbebaku and others who facilitated the experience-enriching trip, insisting the gains of the trip are not something anyone can estimate.

He also submitted that such exposures, coming as it were, once in a while, are imperative to help lawmakers stay in touch with 21st-century law-making processes

One of the distinguished speakers at the workshop was Prof. Pierre Damien, a former Prime Minister of Rwanda and also a parliamentarian at the East Africa Community Legislative Assembly. Prof. Damien shared his dual experience in both arms of government.

In particular, Prof. Damien delved into the remarkable journey of the Rwandan Parliament and how the country was able to transform into prosperity after the terrible genocide.

He admonished other countries to use the lessons learned from the Rwandan experience to advance the cause of development in their respective states

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