Otaru of Auchi chieftaincy tussle: Court adjourns case to November 9

Justice Daniel Okungbowa of Edo State High Court, Benin has fined the state government for a motion to allow for extension of time to file a written address in the ongoing Otaru of Auchi Chieftaincy dispute.

When the case came up yesterday, counsel to the state government, Mrs. BA Adeleye had notified the court of a motion which she filed demanding for an extension of time to prepare her written address, an action which attracted a fine of N10,000 from the trial judge.

Besides, she also filed another motion as to whether the court has jurisdiction over the case
which among others is seeking a declaration
that the selection, presentation and appointment and/or production of Otaru of Auchi is rotational, and each sub-ruling house of Ikelebe Ruling House must take it turn in accordance with the custom and tradition of Auchi as enshrined in Section 3(2) and 14 (1) (c) of the Traditional Rulers and Chiefs Law 1979.

In suit No: B/329/2018 between the claimants Mamudu Ikharo, Yahaya Ikharo against the Attorney General, Edo State, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government Affairs, His Royal Majesty, Alhaji HA Momoh, the Otaru of Auchi, the plaintiffs are also seeking a declaration that the Odjiugo Commission of Inquiry into the Otaru of Auchi Chieftaincy title as regards the number and identity of the Ruling House and the order of rotation represents the true traditional, correct and customary position of Ikelebe title under Auchi Native Law and Customs.

What was supposed to be a final adoption of address by the different counsels was however stalled when two of the counsels to the defendants, Mr. Daud Momodu and Salman Dako drew the court’s attention to a motion seeking for amendments of parts of the processes which they had earlier filed.

Justice Okungbowa subsequently adjourned the case to November 9 for hearing.

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