Oshiomole toes Momoh , Alimikhena’s footsteps, donates transformer to Ayogwiri community


The former Edo State governor, Comrade Adams Aliyu Oshiomole has donated a 500 kva transformer to Ayogwiri community to help solve epileptic power supply in the community.

The community has been plunged into darkness for years as a result of the faulty old transformer serving the community and its environs.

The 500 kva transformer is expected to help the community overcome the erratic public power supply to the area by the Benin Electricity Distribution Company, BEDC

Comrade Oshiomole, Edo North senatorial candidate on the platform of the APC, and also serving as the Deputy Director- General of the APC Presidential Campaign Council, was visibly present at the commissioning ceremony, to the utmost delight of the members of the Ayogwiri community.

Justifying the decision for the transformer donation, the former comrade governor explained that a close confidant brought the plight of the community to his notice.

He said immediately, he got the information, he saw the compelling need to play the big brother role, adding that the transformer donation is his little way of showing appreciation to the good people of the community for the past supports accorded him and to also touch their lives in a most meaningful way.

In particularly thanked the community for the faith and confidence reposed in him, stating that he will neither disappoint nor waiver in doing those things that benefit the majority and wished that God will grant him the energy and the wisdom to always do what is right.

An obviously elated Zaiki (village head) of the Ayogwiri community,
Alhaji Inaboya Braimoh who was deeply touched by the “exceptional gift” expressed profound gratitude to the former comrade governor, Adams Oshiomhole.

Inaboya, noted that it was instructive that, the APC Edo North senatorial candidate did not abandon his own people In their time of need after eight years as governor of Edo State.

He prayed for God’s guidance and success in every of his endeavours.

Ayogwiri community had in the past also benefited from transformer donation from Hon Abubakar Momoh during his senatorial bid under the banner of the Social Democratic Party, SDP.

Also Sen Francis Alimikhena, the incumbent Senator representing Edo North district in the National Assembly had gifted a transformer as part of his reach-out to the community.

The high point of the commissioning event was the “traditional show” of gratitude to the former comrade governor, in the form of the presentation of food items, mainly tubers of yam, ground nuts, and others.

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