Obaseki’s Agents Responsible for Attacks on Labour Party Billboards – Akpata


The Edo LP gubernatorial candidate, Barrister Olumide Akpata, has expressed concern over the series of destruction of his billboards in Benin, the Edo State capital.

During a press briefing held in Benin, the Edo State capital, surrounded by top LP leaders in Edo State, including Rev. Sam Akpata, the Director General of the Olumide Akpata Campaign Organization, Bar. Akpata stated that the attacks on his billboards seemed coordinated and premeditated.

He also emphasized the need to uphold democratic principles and ensure fair play in the election process.

Additionally, he reiterated that the billboards were set up in compliance with state laws and called for an end to the destructive acts.

The LP governorship candidate stressed that the incidents were regrettable and indicative of the need for improved dialogue and understanding among all parties involved.

In the Oredo local government area, he said that two of his billboards were defaced, vandalized and torn to shreds, with open threats of more removals to come.

Similarly, in Ovia North East, two billboards bearing the LP candidate’s image and campaign messages were destroyed by anti-democratic forces working for the state government.

Also, in the Ikpoba Okha, the LP campaign team received direct threats targeting the party’s billboards.

Bar Akpata emphasize that these actions do not reflect the values of a popular democratic government. Instead, he said they seem to be last-ditch efforts of a regime concerned about the people’s growing desire for change.

In response, the state government, through the State Commissioner of Information and Orientation, Mr Chris Nekhihare, on the one hand acknowledged the concerns expressed by the LP candidate and on the other hand condemned the vandalism, while urging all parties involved to seek redress through proper channels.

The state government equally acknowledged Bar Akpatas frustrations and encouraged him to engage with relevant agencies responsible for the management of signage to address any outstanding bills and disputes.

Additionally, it emphasized that threats and violence have no place in our democratic process and called for all political parties to conduct themselves with decorum and respect for the law.

The state government emphasized the importance of political leaders engaging in constructive dialogue and peaceful interactions, rather than using tactics that could incite division or unrest.

The government reaffirmed its commitment to upholding the rule of law and addressing any disruptive behaviour, regardless of an individual’s status or party affiliation.

Mr. Nekhihare also urged Bar Akpata to prioritize addressing internal conflicts within his party and work towards promoting unity and stability.

He encouraged all parties to strive for a peaceful and inclusive electoral process for the benefit of all Edo citizens.

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