Obaseki schemes out Shaibu as Edo North PDP Leader


it’s becoming glaringly that the public apology tendered by the Edo deputy governor, Comrade Philip Shaibu to his principal, Governor Godwin Obaseki over the strained relationship between them did not fly or smoothen the rough edges as envisage.

Comrade Shaibu had hoped the apology would massage the bruised ego of his boss as well as provide him a glimmer of hope, but the chain of recent political events within and outside his Edo North enclave suggests that it is either he misfired or failed to properly gauge the reactions of his boss to whom he tendered the apology .

Each passing day or week brings a tale of fresh troubles for the embattled deputy governor. The ruthless assault to diminish him as a person as well as the office he occupies is frenetic.

For daring to approach the court to forestall a form of impeachment against him and also succeed his boss whose tenure expires in 2024, he is suddenly a marked man. All manner of political darts are thrown at him.

Borderline News24* can state with certainty that the public apology tendered by Hon. Shaibu was counterproductive and far-fetched

A political observer told Borderline News24 that the apology itself came a little too late after the horse had bolted from the stable, adding there was no way it could have repaired the burnt bridge

He added that the deputy governor appears to have lost steam and has since recoiled into his shell in the face of the onslaught against his person and office .

Recently, there has been a barrage of missiles directed at Hon. Shaibu. For example, virtually all of the privileges attached to his office have been taken away without a whimper from him. These were also carried out surreptitiously without any form of official communication to the effect

The final nail in the political coffin of the deputy governor was performed penultimate weeks when Gov Obaseki visited the Edo North district to personally administer the oath of office to the newly appointed political aides.

The loyalists of Gov Obaseki single-handedly selected and screened the new appointees -Special Assistants and Senior Special Assistants- without any input from Shaibu and his camp.

Gov Obaseki was on hand to personally administer the oath of office to the political aides. The tour of duty saw Gov Obaseki visiting Auchi, Igarra, and Owan, the political headquarters of the three zones making up the district namely, Etsako, Akoko Edo, and Owan

Also, Etsako west LGA, the council of Shaibu, the venue of the oath-taking ceremony was changed at the last minute. The Etsako West Council Hall hosted the ceremony, probably to spite the deputy governor.

Previous events of a similar political significance were held in one of the halls inside Shaibu’s Jattu country home .

Sensing he was no longer relevant in the power equation, Hon. Shaibu was conspicuously absent at any of the events held in Owan, Auchi, and Igarra.

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