The National Business and Technical examinations Board (NABTEB)
has released the results of the 2023 NBC/NTC examinations which were conducted nationwide between Monday, 26th June to Tuesday, 25th July, 2023.

The school Registrar and chief Executive Prof. (Mrs.) Ifeoma M. Isiugo-Abanihe
made the disclosure in a press statement .

According to the Registrar, a total of 54,301 candidates registered for the examinations in 1,556 centres across all the States of the federation and Cote dvoire.

This year enrolment figure marked a 38.06 % decrease compared to that of the 2022 In-school certificate examinations where 87,668 candidates enrolled for the examinations.

Analysis of the enrollment for the 2023 NBC/NTC examinations indicate that candidates registered for 16 Engineering Trades, 7 Construction Trades, 9 Miscellaneous Trades, 4 Business Trades and 17 General Education Subjects. A total of 53,587 candidates sat for the certificate examinations which represents 98.69% of the total enrolment.

She further said that 13,699 candidates representing 51.93% were certified as craftsmen against 64.41% in 2022 In-School NBC/NTC examinations.

The analyses further revealed that, 39,220 candidates representing 73.19% of the total candidates who sat for the examinations scored 5 credits and above including English Language and Mathematics.

Furthermore, a total of 49,529 candidates obtained 5 credits and above with or without English Language and Mathematics; this represents 92.43% of the candidates who sat for the examinations. Comparatively, this performance is higher than 2022 In-school NBC/NTC examinations results where 58,679 candidates representing 69.73% obtained 5 credits and above including English Language and Mathematics, and 74,346 candidates, representing 88.35% of the entire candidates who sat for the examinations obtained 5 credits and above with or without English Language and Mathematics.

Prof Ifeoma M. Isiugo-Abanihe lamented that Examination malpractice remains a global challenge in the conduct of public examinations and has gained international attention in assessment discourse. It is against this backdrop that the Board continues to introduce various innovative approaches towards ensuring that malpractice is drastically reduced in her examination activities. In the examinations under review, two hundred and thirty nine (239) candidates representing 0.45% of the total number of candidates who sat for the 2023 NBC/NTC examinations were involved in examination malpractice as compared with three hundred (300) candidates, representing 0.36% of the total number of candidates who sat for the 2022 In-school examinations, indicating an increase in examination malpractice.

She also Informed the prospective candidates that the examination body B has commenced registration of candidates for the 2023 November/December NBC/NTC and ANBC/ANTC examinations.

The certificate examinations she said are for private candidates and prospective candidates are advised to visit any of the NABTEB State or Zonal Offices to obtain guidelines for registration.


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