My desire is to fulfill the expectations of my constituency _ Edosa

Gold Queeneth

The member elect Oredo west constituency on the platform of Labour Party , Dr Richard Edosa, has assured his constituent that his major desire in the hallowed chamber will be to meet their expectations.

He further stated that he is not in anyway ruffled about the enormity of the challenges ahead.

Dr. Edosa made the statement in his remarks when the newly elected members of the 8th Assembly of the Edo state House of Assembly went on a familiarization visit to the state assembly complex in Benin ahead of the inauguration.

Dr. Edosa is one of the new faces of the 8th Assembly and also the first Labour party, LP, candidate to have a seat at the hallowed chamber of the Edo State House of Assembly after the inauguration of the house.

Perhaps, being a trained medical doctor and also a one-time lecturer at the University of Benin before making the switch into the murky waters of partisan politics may have somehow prepared him for this new assignment.

Oozing with confidence and looking primed for the new assignment, Dr. Edosa said he is not unmindful of the huge burden associated with bearing the people’s mandate, he is, however, prepared for the task ahead.

According to him ,his major aim is to ensured his constituents enjoy effective representation as well as the delivery of the dividends of democracy

He further stated that he intends to work closely with his other colleagues as a team player to make good laws for the benefit of the people, stressing his three-point agenda of health, security, and education remains intact and achievable.

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