Koko Inferno: Rep. Member Condoles With Victims’ Families.


The recent fire inferno which occurred at Koko Junction along Benin-Sapele road which led to the death of several people with vehicles burnt beyond recognition has continued to generate messages of commiserations from prominent Edo people.

The latest message condoling the families of the dead, came from the Hon member representing Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area of the state, Hon Murphy Osaro.

Hon Murphy Osaro Omoruyi expressed deep sadness over the unfortunate incident at the Koko axis of the Benin- Sapele- Warri express road, where several persons lost their lives following the inferno that errupted when a petrol tanker laden with products lost control and overturned.

Hon. Omoruyi who was sorely touched by the Koko tanker explosion, prayed the good Lord to grant parents and relatives of the victims the fortitude to bear the loss.

While grieving, the federal lawmaker stressed that such unfortunate carnage could be averted if the road was in good condition.

In a statement, Hon. Omoruyi said, ” As your representative, I will continue to push for the urgent rehabilitation of the Benin- Sapele-Warri express road to put to an end situations like this “.

The lawmaker equally enjoined people to be wary of such situations by avoiding the temptation of going to scoope fuel when ever petrol tankers fall.
The petrol tanker explosion occured in the early hours of Sunday, October 1st.

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