Ihievbe–Ogben road construction: Excites Sen Braimoh, hail Minister of Niger Delta


The planned construction of the long-abandoned Ihievbe-Ihievbe Ogben road project has continued to generate huge excitement among a cross-section of Owan people

The vital road is listed among the four slated for construction in the 2024 budget proposal of the Niger Delta Affairs Ministry .

Senator Yisa Braimoh, the PDP National Leader of the Owan clan described the development as “a good tiding and welcome relief “, stressing further that he shares the same sentiments with the rest of his kinsmen who have expressed their gratitude to the honourable minister in charge of the Niger Delta Ministry for his diligence and “act of generosity” to the people of Owan .

The Ihievbe – Ihievbe Ogben road is one of the four major roads traversing the Edo North district listed for completion in the ministry’s capital budget for 2024.

Speaking as their political leader and also as the first and only Owan person so far to represent the Edo North district in the Senate, Senator Braimoh said the planned takeover of the road for reconstruction is the “best New Year gift” from the minister

He stressed that the road, which would have brought immense relief as well as boosted social and economic activities between the Owans and their Akoko Edo neighbours if it had not been abandoned by three successive administrations, was flagged off in 2007 by the Gov. Oseriemeh Osunbor administration but soon abandoned by the successive administration in 2008 once Prof. Osunbor exited office based on the Supreme Court ruling .

Sen. Braimoh also bemoaned thehardship the Owan people have had to endure for years as a result of the abandoned Ihievbe-Ihievbe Ogben road.

A less than an hour trip to the nearby Akoko Edo became practically impossible due to the deplorable condition of the road. Commuters were forced to take the tedious route of having to go through Auchi to connect to other places .
Heaping encomium on Hon. Engr. Momoh for taking the bull by its horn in his spirited bold move to give the Edo North district a major facelift in terms of road networks, Sen. Braimoh said Hon. Momoh demonstrated that he is a truly detribalised “Afemai son,” thereby reinforcing the local aphorism, which states thus, “nihi isamai nihi isamai “, meaning “what is ours is ours”

“I make bold to say that this is the first time since the advent of the Fourth Republic in 1999 that the three clans of the Edo North senatorial district will simultaneously feel the impact and presence of government in their domains “.

Describing Hon. Momoh as “a patriot” because of the high sense of maturity and dedication he has brought to bear on his job, Sen. Braimoh added that Minister Momoh deserves three gbosas!!!

Whilst immensely thanking Minister Momoh for keeping hope alive for the Owan people , he also pleaded with the honourable minister to do more for the Owan clan , by also considering the reconstruction of the essential road linking the four states of Ondo , Edo , Delta and Anambra ……….the Iruekpen – Sabongida Ora – Uzebba – Ifon road, which should enjoy the same priority as others because of its economic relevance.

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