IAWPA Inuagurates School Club In Brano Group of School ,Edo state


The International Association of World Peace Advocate in collaboration with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals has inuagurated school club, an arm of the body in Brano Group of School ,Egor Local Government Area,Edo state

With the inuaguration ,Brano Group of School becomes the first school in Edo state and Nigeria to be so honoured with the school club of the association.

In his brief address at the occasion,the proprietor of the school , Ambassador Gabriel Okhihuan appreciated IAWPA for the inuaguration and for chosing Brano school as pioneer club and also for the promotion of peace so that the society will be a better place for us all

He used the occasion to advice parents to ensure the proper monitoring of their children and to teach them good morals, acknowledging that the teachers only have little part to play in the monitoring of the children pointing out that once the children closes from school ,it is now the duties of the parents to follow up by knowing how they are faring academically, the company they keep and others for the society to peaceful

The proprietor who said he was happy to be part of the visions of Lawrence in the promotion of peace, based on what is happening in the society now, killings , cultism, armed robbery, kidnapping,cummunal fighting and so on could be curtained if we all embrace peace and the society will be a better place for all

He then urged the students of Brano Group of School to take the membership of the IAWPA school club and the need to take the issues of peace seriously for the benefits of society pointing out that where there is peace there is always progress and development .

On his part ,the Edo state coodinator and Director of south south of International Association of World Peace Advocate, Amb Amos Arelogbe urged the students to embrace peace advocate and be a shining example to their peer group and to always obey the rules and laws of the land so as not to get into problem

He described students as the future of Nigeria and urged them to try as much as possible to be good ambassador both at home and the society pointing out that no teacher is wicked like they always say but only want the best out of them as no teacher will just flog or punish a child for just no reason but for correctional purpose so that they will be a better person to the society

He urged them to aspire to be a role modern in any where they find themselves and not bring shame to the school and keep away from criminal tendencies adding that when pressurized to join any negative group ,they should immediately notify their parents or their teachers ..

Amb Arelogbe then adviced them to take the IAWPA school club seriously as they have alot to benefit,they will be taught morals , agriculture, economics ,skill acquisition and others that will affect them positively and be a better person in future and to the society

Highpoint of the occasion was the inuaguration was the presentation of identity cards to students of Brano Group of School who are members of the IAWPA school club

There was special exhibition by the students of Brano school to the delight of the people present at the occasion, amongst were the production of generator set that does not use fuel for generation of light , production of MP3 with a carton and architectural design of a three storey building .

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