Father’s Day: Bob-Izua Debunks Death Rumours


The Ayobahan of Benin Kingdom, Chief Osamede Adun a.k.a Bob-Izua has debunked rumours of his death and ascribing the claims to the mischief makers .

The popular transporter assured well wishers that he is still much alive, hale and hearty .

Chief Adun debunked the allegation at his residence during an event put together by his children to mark this year Father’s Day in Benin city, Edo state.

He said every year his family celebrates him on Father’s day. But, the main reason why he called the press is about the rumour going on about his demise that, I Chief Bob-Izua is dead.

” But, I thank God today that I am alive to celebrate Father’s day. Some people also said I have illness that I cannot walk again. Is a lie and I want to tell the whole world that they should not listen to the rumour of my death. Many people in this world their aims are to destroyed, not to repair.

Now you can see the real Chief Osamede Adun and is not another Chief Osamede Adun. Every year, my children and family celebrate me on Father’s day.

Chief Ayobahan of Benin Kingdom advised fathers to take good care of their children irrespective of the circumstances surrounding their birth.

In his remarks, Edo State NUJ chairman, Comrade Festus Alenkhe and Edo chairperson of NAWOJ, Comrade Adesuwa Ehimuan commended Chief Osamede Adun for being a good father to his children and in the aspect of giving quality education to his children and family members.

The duo also called on parents, especially the Fathers to give quality education to their children.

” I advised all Fathers to bring up their children in the fear of God and give them good education. For those parents who cannot educate their children, they can enroll them for skills acquisation. With basic education they can be self reliance in life,” comrade Alenkhe added.

According to NAWOJ Chairperson, Comrade Adesuwa Ehimuan, said ,” I celebrate all Fathers all over the world, and this is an opportunity to advise all Fathers to make sure they perform their duties and responsibilities as fathers. Despite the economic challenges, they should make sure they do all they can to make provision for their children.

“Fathers should make sure they provide for their children. And give them counsel and guidance in all ramifications of their lives. Today, we are in the residence of The Ayobahan of Benin Kingdom, Chief Osamede Adun, also known as Bob-Izua, as he celebrates fathers day.

Chief Osamede Adun has been a father to a lot of us in Edo state with his philanthropist gesture. I wish him more fruitful years of celebration. We thank God almighty that he is in good health”. She stated.

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