Edosa Osaro offers free training on Web Design for constituents


Keeping faith in his vow to empower the youths in his constituency with the requisite skills for a more productive life, the lawmaker representing the Oredo West constituency in the Edo State House of Assembly, Hon. Dr Richard osaro Edosa recently initiated a free web design training for his constituents.

Hon. Edosa who recently retained his seat at the House is the only member of the Labour Party in the state assembly.
He is also the chairman of the House Committee on Health.

About 30 youths selected across the 12 wards in the Oredo Constituency are expected to participate in the free web design programme.

Addressing the participants during the opening ceremony held at the Amena Academy along the popular Akpapava Road in Benin, the Edo State capital, the lawmaker urged them to take the training seriously, stressing the future gains of the skills upscale far outweighs any temporary pain or discomfort .

He further assured that the free web design training would provide them with solutions to today’s problems as well as equip them for tomorrow’s challenges

The lawmaker posited that youth empowerment represents the best way out of the economic malaise ravaging the country, and further emphasized that the fastest way of building a thriving economy is to equip the youths with the modern trends in ICT .

The free web design training encompasses the whole gamut of website design and information technology management

Speaking to journalists after the opening ceremony, Hon. Dr. Edosa Richard Osaro said “The participants are from my constituency, they are Edo people, and a lot of persons have approached me to offer this similar training and issue certificate, but I decided to come to Amena Academy, because the certification is acceptable all-round the globe, I think is one of the best and I think the best is good for Edo people, the best is good for the good people of my constituency.”

One of the participants, Daniel oche expressed appreciation to the law maker for the initiative and also said the training will addressed their future.

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