Edo varsity Uzairue appreciates Braimoh’s input as External Assessor on Entrepreneurship


The management of Edo State University, Uzairue, has sent a special thank you message to the Edo State Commissioner for Business, Trade and Co-operatives,Hon Afie Braimoh over her participation as an External Assessor to the instititution panel on entrepreneurship to assess and grade the performances of the final year students on the rudiments and the principles of entrepreneurship.

The special emphasis on entrepreneurial studies is part of the innovations by the institution to ensure its graduands are prepared for the challenges of life after school where they might have to either engage in self-employment or fend for themselves, without recourse to the scarce white-collar jobs

In a letter addressed to the commissioner, the acting Registrar of the school, Mr. Habib Ekhalefo, acknowledged her feat as a model entrepreneurship and, therefore, solicited her support as an External Assessor to a panel set up by the instititution on selecting the students with best business proposal.

According to Ekhalefo, the skills acquired in the scheme would certainly come handy as the graduands are churned out into an already saturated labour market.

Ekhalefo further hinted that the institution, in recognition of the role of MSMEs and also to bring out the best among the graduating set across the various faculties, has set aside the sum of five million naira award for the “Best Innovative Business Idea”.

In addition, he stated that because the university wants to ensure the process by which the best student emerges is transparently conducted, it has proceeded to set up a panel of assessors and, therefore, requested that the commissioner serves as the External Assessor to the panel.

The offer to serve in the panel of External Assessors also served as an opportunity for the institution to open its doors to the commissioner and others who might have been thinking about various forms of academic endowments such as awards and prizes.

Having proven her mettle and also bringing her rich wealth of experience to bear on the assignment, the institution sends a delegation to deliver a specially designed plaque, as a token of its appreciation to the honourable commissioner in her office in Benin.

The delegation consisting of Dr Omozuwa, Acting Dean, Faculty of Clinical Science, Mrs Victoria Ewere, Faculty Officer, Faculty of Clinical Science were in Hon commissioner’s Benin office to present the plague of appreciation.

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