Edo 2024: Airhiavbere declares interest amidst ovation, claims to be the best candidate

By Dada Ayokhai

The former Executive Director Finance and Administration of the Niger Delta Development Commission, (NDDC,General Charles Airhiavbere, Rtd, said the All Progressives Congress (APC), will reclaim power in the forthcoming 2024 election .

Airhiavbere who received a tumultuous reception on Thursday,at the APC Secretariat in Benin hinged his manifesto on peace and infrastructural development avowing that his administration will be one for all and all for one, a project he said he has come to carryout for the people of Edo State.

He declared himself to be the best candidate to fill the governorship seat based on his reach and network to attract votes for the party.

The aspirant who recently finished serving as the Executive Director Finance and Administration of the Niger Delta Development Commission, (NDDC), said a peaceful Edo State was possible with due collaboration with security agencies backed with the creation of a state neighborhood watch outfit whose tilt to chase criminals off streets will be backed by use of robotics.

He affirmed that a peaceful environment attracts businesses. To make society work he pointed out his antecedence hinged on creation of youth ambassadors, a scheme which he said would empower and cater to the needs of unemployed youths fresh from national youth service to take them off the streets and away from vice while waiting for job placements.

Next in his line up is the proposed creation of new towns, curbing the penchant ecological flood problem, development of tourism through focus on the Igue and Emoro (Yam) festival, creating an agricultural value chain which encourages growing of indigenous and exotic fruits within the state, ensuring human capital development through focus on sports as well as giving women thirty- five (35%) percent affirmative responsibility and visibility while in office.

Revealing his political pedigree Airhiavbere said he was making the fourth attempt at Osadebey avenue hence he is more prepared and experienced for the job and ready to serve the people of Edo state.

He said he has always been a party man, responsive, dutiful and even in his last assignment at the NDDC, he claimed to have put in his best for the nine states to ensure that the Niger Delta States benefit from the core mandate of the NDDC.

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