Ayogwiri Man allegedly killed in Fugar over money spray on couples at wedding


A marriage feast that ought to have consummated the love between two love birds and their families has turned into a mourning affair as the brother of the groom, from Ayogwiri was reportedly gunned down by people suspected to be cultist i in Fugar .

Disagreements are said to have ensued over adherence to traditional marriage rites.

In the ensuing melee, the two families were said to have reached a deadlock with endless back and forths.

Borderline News24* learned that trouble started when the bride’s family protested against the antics of the groom and his family .

The groom from Atsekhagbor family of Ayogwiri was alleged to have “flagrantly trampled on the marriage custom”. He was said to have bought the cow for the marriage ceremony and instead of giving it to the bride’s family to be used in cooking the food, as demanded by custom, he was said to have otherwise.

The groom reportedly slaughtered the cow and used the meat to cook the food that was brought to the bride’s house.

This action infuriated the bride’s family, known as Erele Thomas family from Iruru quarters of Fugar and they complained vehemently about the abnormality but the issue was quickly nipped in the bud before it degenerated.

Hardly had the trouble been quenched before another one erupted. This time, the groom was said to have “carted home” the money and gifts showered on the couple at the ceremony .

An argument erupted between the groom and bride family over the sharing of the “largesse”. It became so intense that it led to fisticuffs with some members of the groom’s family reportedly manhandled in the process .

As the disagreement degenerated, Borderline News24 gathered that some Fugar youths jumped into the fray on the side of the bride’s family and went in hot pursuit of the vehicle suspected to be conveying the gift items and the said money .

In the ensuing melee, gunshots were fired at the vehicle leading to the death of the brother of the groom,Mr. Godwin Idumane Atsekhagbor

It is still unclear who fired the shot that killed the brother of the groom.

Fingers have been pointed at a cult group whose member was a former lover of the bride while some it’s the handiwork of some boys related to the in-law.

The death of the groom’s brother has caused a huge spark between the two families as they trade words on the circumstances that led to the death of the victim .

While both parties are buck-passing, the blossoming romance between the lovebirds is in jeopardy

The bride is “stranded” in Fugar as a result of the ugly situation. On the other hand, the groom whose brother paid the supreme price is reported to have lost interest in the marriage

Ayogwiri youths are said to be irked at the events surrounding the unprovoked killing of their kinsman and are mulling the possibility of revenge.

The war of words between the two families is almost translating into a confrontation between Ayogwiri and Fugar.

Meanwhile, the umbrella body of the Ayogwiri youths association has send condolences to the bereaved family.

Ayogwiri is one of the communities in the Etsako West council area while Fugar is the headquarter of the Etsako Central council area .

Efforts are, however, been made by elders and the leaders of both communities to step in to prevent the skirmish from ballooning into a full-blown crisis


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