Anamero initiates bill for medical center, technical college in Uzairue, Okpella


Pandering to the clamor for federal presence by his constituents, the Member representing Etsako federal constituency at the national Assembly, hon Anamero Sunday Dekeri a.k.a. Danco, has proposed two bills for the establishment of two federal institutions in Etsako .

They are a bill for the establishment of a Federal Medical Center to be located at Uluoke, Uzairue clan, Etsako West local government area as well as a Federal College of Education (Technical), to be located at Okpella, Etsako East council area

Both bills have since passed the first reading on the floor of the Lower House

When established, the proposed institutions are expected to serve the medical and educational needs of the three local government areas that make up Etsako

Political pundits believe the lawmaker’s move may have been propelled to push for the establishment of similar federal institutions as obtainable elsewhere against the backdrop of the visible absence of substantial federal presence in the Etsako locality

The lawmaker representing the Etsako federal constituency at the national assembly is optimistic about the passage of the proposed bills and banks on the support of his colleagues to bring succor to his people

There are those who, however, believe this is a test case for the lawmaker and his ability to walk the talk and also live up to the billing.

The proposed two bills are titled: A Bill for the Establishment of a Federal Medical Center, Uluoke, Uzairue, Edo State, and A Bill for the Establishment of a Federal College of Education (Technical), Okpella, Edo State.

Presently, the only specialized medical center in Etsako is the Central Hospital, Auchi, Etsako West, owned by the Edo State government.

Recently, the Central Hospital was upgraded to the status of a teaching hospital and attached to the Edo State University, Iyamho, to help in the training of medical doctors and also provide specialized medicare to the Edo North citizenry

Borderline News24 learned Hon. Danco is not resting on his oars to ensure the passage of the proposed bills and as a result has solicited the support of his colleagues.
The Federal Medical Center is expected to provide specialized health services to the public and also relieve the state-owned hospital of the enormous stress piled on it by patients seeking medical care .

Likewise, the Federal College of Education(Technical) will ease the pressure on the sole federal institution in Edo North, the Federal Polytechnic, Auchi, as well as provide technical education to the teeming Etsako youths

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