Anamero Appoints Ugheoke As Director General of Campaign Organization


As a sign of his readiness for the 2023 general elections, Hon Dekeri Sunday Anamero, a.k.a Danco, the APC flag bearer for the Etsako federal constituency seat, has inaugurated his campaign organisation with the appointment of Hon Joseph Ugheoke, a well-known grassroots mobiliser, and notable Etsako politician, as the Director-General, DG, of the DANCO Campaign Organisation.

Close watchers of the Etsako political scene have described the appointment of Hon Ugheoke as “befitting”, stating further that it signals the formal commencement of the anticipated fierce battle to determine who represents the Etsako federal constituency in the next political dispensation.

Hitherto, the APC and the PDP have dominated the Edo North district. The recent inroads and the growing popularity of the Labour Party seem to have completely altered the permutations, with the resultant consequence of a three-horse race among the contenders.

Most of the APC members who commented on the appointment expressed their delight, saying it will help reinvigorate and refocus the campaign as well as bring in some measure of verve and directions that was lacking all this while.

Hon Ugheoke is expected to take over the mantle of leadership from Alhaji Abubakar Akokhai, who had previously managed the campaign activities since the emergence of Hon Dekeri as the APC flag bearer .

Hon Ugheoke hails from Ekperi clan in Etsako central LGA and was also a former chairman of the local government.
He was also a former member of Edo State House of Assembly, and a two time commissioner in the state.

Prominent Etsako APC juggernauts such as Hon Gani Akokhai, Hon Hussein Lecky, Hon Jim Garba, and a host of others witnessed the formal presentation of the letter of appointment at the DANCO campaign office in Auchi, Etsako West, in a well-attended ceremony.

Earlier, the APC flag bearer, Hon Dekeri, amidst thunderous ovations from the enthusiastic crowd of party members on hand to witness the formal presentation of letter of Appointment to the newly appointed DG applauded INEC for lifting the lid on campaign activities, adding the INEC action propelled the decision to inaugurate the DANCO Campaign Organisation.

He said, “Now that INEC has lifted the lid on political campaigns, it is time for us to do what we know how to do best”.

And, as if to foreclose any misgiving that may arise from the appointment of Hon Ugheoke as the DG of the DANCO Campaign Organisation, Hon Dekeri said the choice was “collective”, insisting it was arrived at after due consultations with relevant party stakeholders.

In his acceptance speech, Hon Ugheoke thanked everyone who supported his nomination, particularly the party flag bearer and the leaders, promising to work with his team to drive the process as well as deliver on the mandate notwithstanding the hurdles and obstacles they may come across.

The head of Directorate of the Media and Publicity of the DANCO Campaign Organisation, a media strategist with cross-sectoral experience in Public Relations, Comrade Hussein Momodu, congratulated the DG on his new assignment and wished him the very best in the discharge of the onerous task ahead.

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