Afenmai Group urges Obaseki to reciprocates Shaibu’s apology


An Afenmai-based socio-political group has doffed the hat for the Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki for accepting the apology tendered by his deputy, Hon. Philip Shaibu, saying his action depicts that of a matured and God-fearing

However, the group which goes by the name of the All Afenmai Initiative Group, AAIG, urged Gov. Obaseki to go the extra mile of sin atonement by rescinding his order relocating the office of the deputy governor back to its former place

Recall the governor and his deputy, Shaibu, were embroiled in a massive face-off resulting in Gov. Obaseki directing that the office of his deputy be moved to somewhere outside of the Government House, Benin

The group, in a terse statement jointly signed by its General Coordinator/Mobilizer, Sir Tony Otsu and the two deputies Mallam Shabah Zuberu, and Rt. Hon. Dauda Afolabi also made available to Borderline News24, pleaded with Gov. Obaseki to allow his deputy to return to his former office as a mark of hastening the healing process.

The statement further said:

“The group accepted that genuine reconcilation or peace building is a continuous process but however appealed to Mr. Governor to further deepen the peace process by graciously revisiting and reconsidering his earlier decision to relocate the office of the Deputy Governor outside the Edo Govt House. The group reminded Mr. Governor that his personal and official relationship with his Deputy over the years have been unprecedented in our national political history and have been the envy of many States in the country. That only a better and more cordial relationship will help achieved their shared vision”

, The reconvene meeting of the group which took place in Auchi was held to examine the Edo State political situation particularly the lingering political crisis in Edo PDP. and other issues.

“During Edo North meeting, members of the group took time to examine the current working relationship between the Edo State Governor and his Deputy. The group commended the Governor for publicly accepting the apology of the Deputy Governor and promised to continue to support both leaders to ensure successful end of this administration and the FINISH WELL AGENDA, which is a guarantee of a continuation of the MEGA Agenda of the PDP State beyond 2024”

*The group added that His Excellency, Mr. Godwin Nogheghase Obaseki can prove the public especially the opposition party, Edo APC wrong that his reconciliation with his Deputy is not just on social media but a genuine one by making more commitments to dismantling all walls of disunity and separation between him and his Deputy in the governance of Edo people”

“The group also commended the Edo Deputy Governor, Rt. Hon Comrade Philip Shaibu for choosing loyalty and path of peace. They appealed to the Deputy Governor to continue to remain consistent and committed to joining and supporting his boss to finish strong and finish well”

“The group appeal to both leaders to continue to put the collective interest of PDP and Edo people before self to enable PDP retain the state and ensure policy continuity of the Obaseki administration beyond 2024”.

“The Edo State Governor, His Excellency Mr Godwin Nogheghase Obaseki on 28th Septembers, 2023 four days after the ALL AFEMAI INITIATIVE GROUP knelt down to appeal and pleaded for his forgiveness publicly accepted the apology of his Deputy Governor, Rt. Hon Comrade Philip Shaibu after few months of political misunderstanding.”

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